Sunday, March 29, 2020

Dissociation Chemistry Examples

Dissociation Chemistry ExamplesDissociation chemistry is a science that studies the aspects of dissociation, such as changes in consciousness, dissociation, and other things. It may sound quite odd, but a lot of people can benefit from learning this type of science. Although people aren't exactly sure of the effects of dissociation on humans, there is no doubt that it does exist.Dissociation involves one or more areas of the mind being divided, and the splitting is usually caused by a certain event, but it can also be caused by some type of negative emotion or feeling. When a person has a dissociative disorder, it causes him to think in other ways, not as he normally would. His body feels so numb that he or she doesn't feel like he or she is really there. Dissociation helps many people as it makes life easier, although it has many negative effects.People can be born with this type of disorder or they can develop it as they grow up. As children, many children who have this problem may seem like they are acting strangely. They may throw things at their parents, wear strange clothes, or speak in a strange language. They may also seem distant from everything around them. They can lose interest in doing simple tasks such as brushing their teeth or brushing their hair.However, dissociation can have other side effects that may hurt a person. The person may start to lose interest in doing their homework, or even gain weight. Others have learned to cut themselves off from reality, and they could even develop an eating disorder.One thing is for sure, people who have this disorder suffer from difficulty falling asleep, and they also suffer from sleep problems, as well as their behavior can become much worse. These individuals may also have difficulty concentrating on a certain task, as well as driving, which is why they may not be able to drive home. They may also find that they can't remember important things.Other people find that they have many negative experiences in their lives because of this. They may never know how they got that way, as it can be a completely different side effect of dissociation. Other people have tried to commit suicide due to their suffering, but most don't make the mistake again.Individuals who have suffered from this problem have told psychologists and psychiatrists that they are better off without it. They say that they can't find happiness or satisfaction in their lives anymore. They also say that they don't get depressed, because there is something that is missing, even though they have all the others.Dissociation is a very important thing to understand, and it will help anyone deal with the effects that it has on the body. As someone said in one of the dissociation chemistry examples, you need it in order to survive. However, when you suffer from this disorder, you need help. There are a number of places where you can find some, so make sure you are getting the help you need to become a happier and healthier person.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Teachers urged to take good care of their most important teaching tool their voice - Tutor Hunt Blog

Teachers urged to take good care of their most important teaching tool their voice Teachers urged to take good care of their most important teaching tool: their voice Teachers urged to take good care of their most important teaching tool: their voiceSchoolsA classroom may well be the perfect incubation vessel for viruses and bacteria. Every weekday it`s filled with an assortment of children, who cough and sneeze and splutter, wiping their hands on papers and books, which are passed around the room, before finally making their way back to the teacher. In this kind of environment infections can spread like wildfire: a child sneezes onto their hand, which they use to turn the page of the textbook they are sharing with the pupil next to them. At the end of the lesson the book is passed back to the teacher, who is then exposed to a menu of pathogens. It`s hardly any wonder that teachers very often find themselves becoming ill. Some of my friends who are in the profession say they would never enter a classroom without ensuring they have a bottle of sanitising gel, which they use to disinfect their hands and the surface of their desk. Other teachers tell me they pass distribute Dettol wipes to the children, ordering them to scrub down their desks at the end of every lesson. `I also ensure that door handles are cleaned, along with stationary, shared calculators - basically anything the kids might have polluted!` Despite these precautions, it is very common for teachers to come down with some kind of bug by the end of term. `It`s almost like your body has been holding out for the last few weeks,` my friend went on to tell me, `and just when you cross the finishing line, it just gives up and you get ill!` Besides the plethora of germs teachers have to contend with at work, there`s another health-related issue they have to suffer: losing their voice. According to a new report from the National Education Union, teachers are eight times more likely to suffer from voice problems than any other profession. For a footballer it`s their feet, for a pianist it`s their hands - but the voice is the most import physical tool for a teacher. Besides being used to impart information to the pupils, it functions as a tool of discipline, ensuring any unruly pupils are kept in line, and the lesson can run smoothly. A good teacher will use their voice to instill interest and drama to their lessons - much like a great actor or orator, modulating their tone to enrich their words, and captivate their audience. Teachers use their voices as much as actors and singers do, putting their vocal chords through all kinds of stress and strain during each and every lesson. Those on the stage are at least prepared in advance for when they have to hit a high note, or voice a loud and angry scene - a teacher has to improvise their way through each lesson, and at a moment`s notice might have to produce a booming censure to a recalcitrant pupil. One of my friends, who is a teacher in a rather `difficult` school, informed me she does vocal exercises before her lessons. She explained that this consists of making a `mm` sound (as in hum), along with a sound `ng` (as in wing), and slowly and gently sliding these sounds up and down in pitch. She also ensures that she`s well hydrated, and tries to give her voice a break by utilising no verbal disciplinary cues, such as clapping her hands instead of shouting. These precautions might sound excessive, or even theatrical, but with teachers taking more than 2 million days of sickness, which equates to 51,000 days a week over the school year, anything that can help bolster their health has got to be applauded. The cost of these lost working days amounts to an astonishing £15 million per year in the UK, according to a RNID publication of 2008, cited in the National Education Union, 2019. Despite the very clear strains placed on their voices throughout their careers, there is no real training or guidance offered to new teachers to help them learn how best to protect themselves.A survey conducted by the Royal National Institute for the Deaf in 2008 found that vocal problems amongst teachers are widespread, with their report making clear the scope of the problem: `Teachers in around 60 per cent of schools complain of vocal problems.` `A third of head teachers report that it has caused teachers to have taken time off.` `The cost to schools is calculated at around £15 million a year.` The report said that teachers should be `alert to the signs of vocal difficulties,` and that vocal problems will generally be the result of overuse or infection. Teachers were encouraged to warm up their voices at the beginning of each day, utilise pauses and silences to stress meaning, facilitating a short respite for their vocal chords, and to be vigilant as to any symptoms of vocal fatigue, and be sure to contact their doctor at the first sign of any troubles. 10 months ago0Add a Comment

How to Graduate From an Internship to a Full-Time Job

How to Graduate From an Internship to a Full-Time Job Image via Attend events Many universities still offer networking events and job fairs to their graduates. After spending thousands of dollars each year, you should be entitled to a few free professional events each year. These events can range from professional presentations on how you can improve your resumes to seminars teaching you how to use a specific software. However, a lot of these events will focus on actual networking between alumni and special professional guests. Even if a particular event isn’t designed for your desired career, you can still benefit from networking with other professionals. After all, it will help you practice those networking skills. Who knows, maybe an engineering firm needs a public relations manager? If you are planning on moving away from your college town after graduation, you can also search the closest metropolis for career-driven events. Larger cities host job fairs and networking opportunities every now and then. In addition to networking events, you can also join industry-specific associations. If you have a marketing degree, or you’re a marketing student, there’s an American Marketing Association. If you’re looking to get a job in scientific illustration, there’s also the Association of Medical Illustrators. Regardless of your industry, there are several professional organizations you can join. It is important to note that some associations do have specific requirements before you can become a member, and often they charge an annual fee to join. However, the industry knowledge you can gain from a professional organization is well worth the money. Even if you cannot attend the organization’s events, these groups often post exclusive job openings on their job boards. Customize your resume Let’s face it, we’re all guilty of submitting the exact same resume to dozens even hundreds of job openings. While sending the same generic resume to every relevant job opening on LinkedIn can help streamline the application process, it can hinder your chances of getting the job. Hiring managers can detect a template resume anywhere. After all, they encounter hundreds of them in just one hiring cycle. Spruce up your online presence Although you likely have a LinkedIn profile, a LinkedIn account alone won’t get you noticed by employers. It’s important to make yourself stand out from other applicants by creating a website with your professional portfolio. While it might not be appropriate for everyone to create a professional website, you can also supplemental your LinkedIn profile with a blog. WordPress is an inexpensive and easy way to create your own industry-specific blog. Regardless if you choose to construct a website, a blog, or both, you could focus on the quality of the content that you publish online. Only display your best work examples and blog posts. Letters of reference Obtaining your first full-time job is all about credibility. While you could have a long list of incredible internships, hiring managers want to know if you are a dedicated and skilled worker. Although most applications require you to list three to five professional contacts, you can enhance your application with one or two letters of recommendation from past employers. It can become annoying if you ask your past employer for a letter of recommendation for a dozen different positions, so instead, you can ask for a  general letter of recommendation in a specific career industry. While it might seem contradictive to have a vague letter of recommendation when your resume and cover letter is supposed to be very specific, the purpose of the letter is to highlight your capabilities as an employee and validate your trustworthiness. Given the purpose of the letter of recommendation, it isn’t vital for it to be specific for every job application. Unless, of course, you are applying to very reputable companies like Huffington Post or Google. Use your contacts Asking around is a great method to find job openings, especially those that aren’t advertised online. You can ask your family, friends, past employers, and professors. Granted, you will likely have more productive results if you ask someone who is working in the same or similar industry as you. Even if you don’t have any former employers or professors that you feel comfortable enough to ask for professional leads, you can always contact your university’s career services office. Create a plan Granted, you shouldn’t create a dream board, because your entry-level job likely won’t be your dream job; however, it will help you acquire your dream job. Plus, your first adult job will be very enriching regardless. Nevertheless, it is important to create a schedule to ensure that you are actively applying to job openings. In your schedule, you should also remind yourself of application deadlines and set aside time to research each company  so you can tailor your application materials appropriately. Focus your job search Though you may have many skills that you want to showcase to a hiring manager, it’s important that you specify only skills and experience relevant to the jobs that you are applying to. You should plan to search for jobs in two or three career paths. These jobs should fit your experience and skills. While you could want to go into writing, it’s important to know that writing (along with essentially every career) is a very diverse field. Therefore, narrowing your searches between editorial assistant/staff writer positions and associate copywriter positions will make it easier for you to mold your respective resumes to fit these jobs. Granted, you will edit your resume even further for each job opening. Refining your job search will also allow you to think of more specific examples to discuss in your cover letter. Rather than writing about your overall love of everything writing, you can elaborate on your experience writing branded content or curating content for a style blog. While most employers would love to hear about your side blogging business during your interview, it is best to leave any unnecessary fluff out of your application material for a specific job, because it can deter hiring managers from hiring you. After all, irrelevant experience in your application material, even if you have limited working experience, can make it seem like you aren’t focused on any specific career path. Hiring managers might think that you are still figuring out what you want to do with your career. If you present yourself as not being certain about your career path, your chances with a company will be slim, as the interviewer won’t believe you have longevity with their organization. To them, you could change your mind and switch career paths at any moment. Let’s face it, most companies want to invest in employees who also want to invest their time and skill into their company.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

7 Perks of Working in Retail

7 Perks of Working in Retail Image via Show some appreciation and encouragement for the people trying to improve your shopping experience. You’re going to make their day a lot better, and they’ll give you better customer service in return. 2.  The hours are usually flexible This is the ideal perk for any college student. Because many sales associates are students, retailers understand that school comes first. Your availability can revolve around your classes and extracurricular activities. You’re also typically able to request off for as many days as needed. Plus, there’s always the option of applying as a seasonal worker, so you’ll only work during holidays and busy seasons when you’re likely to be off from school. If, for whatever reason, you need to make changes to your availability, don’t be afraid to talk to a manager about it. It’s better to be up front and ask for a change rather than constantly calling off. 3.  Your coworkers are like instant best friends When you finally finish up with a difficult transaction and you just want to vent about it, who are the first people you go to? Your coworkers sitting in the breakroom, of course. They understand, because they probably had a few difficult transactions that day, too. They’re the perfect therapists because they just get you. Cleaning up the store at the end of the night isn’t fun when you’re alone. Coworkers make it 10 times more enjoyable because you have someone to chat with while you spend hours trying to make a table look presentable. They’re also perfect for after-work plans. When you’re all done for the day, why not go out together for some staff bonding? There are going to be times where you might not get along. Everyone gets on each other’s nerves under stress. Maybe you don’t really like one of your coworkers at first, but that will change when the two of you bond over how much you dislike cleaning up the denim wall. Image via 4.  There are new tasks every minute You’re never going to be bored in a day of working retail. Every day will bring new experiences. There’s such a wide range of retail jobs out there, and each one will require different tasks. “Look at these two retail employers:  Kohl’s and  Babies “R” Us. Just think about how many different jobs exist within these two giant employers and digging a little deeper how many tasks and duties make up these individual Kohl’s and Babies “R” Us jobs,” said Snagajob writer Amy White. Let’s say you work in a clothing store. You could be on register, replenishing stock, managing the fitting room, dressing mannequins, or helping customers. Customers are enough to keep you busy they’re constantly coming in with new questions. One minute you might be running around the store looking for the last pair of shorts in size 6. The next minute you might have to help with a long gift return. Retail is going to keep you on your feet for your entire shift, so it’s the perfect job for anyone that likes to stay busy. 5.  You gain an improved sense of patience When registers are slow, when customers don’t make sense, or when you’re waiting for a break, it can be very hard to have patience. Things aren’t always going to go your way and it will be frustrating. Don’t let it ruin your whole shift. There will be rude, impatient customers, but stay calm and don’t be rude back to them. If needed, call a manager and have them handle the situation. It might not seem very fair at times, but the customer’s happiness is a priority if they’re going to shop there again. Image via Albright College senior Paige Sutton has several years of experience working in retail. “Ive found that its as good as you make it. Like if you really engage some customers you meet some interesting people. Once in a while, you get a really cool customer, but only if you put off the same vibe,” she said. Working in retail will teach you to endure some pretty stressful situations, and this patience is a virtue that will help you in so many ways outside of the workplace. 6.  You learn how to make decisions in a chaotic environment There are 15 people in line at the register, and only two cashiers available to ring. You’re in the middle of checking out a customer when they question a price. It’s a very busy afternoon, so when you call out to the managers and associates on the sales floor, they’re all occupied with helping other people. Do you check the price for yourself, or do you override it to keep the line moving? Working in retail teaches you how to make these kinds of choices every day. The store is going to be packed sometimes, and your managers won’t always be able to answer questions in a pinch. They need you to be independent enough to come up with your own solutions if you can. It’s going to take some time for you to figure out how to handle situations by yourself, so asking for help is definitely okay, but soon enough you’ll be the one giving the answers. 7.  The discount can buy you a new wardrobe Ah, the employee discount. It’s one of the best retail job perks there can be. A customer is going to pay full price for that cute top you’ve had your eye on for days, but you sure won’t. The same goes for buying shoes, groceries, toys whichever retailer you’re working for. If you can, apply for a job where you’ll want to take advantage of the discount. Be careful with it, though. Don’t let your entire paycheck go right back to the store! Image via Now, retail jobs don’t seem so bad, do they? If you really think about it, there are a hundred more perks where these came from. All the retail memes are definitely relatable and so funny, but you know that you’ll be thankful for some of your experiences at the end of the day.

Tips For Finding a Good Tutor

Tips For Finding a Good TutorIf you are going to be enrolling your children in a reputable New York City school, and you want them to have the best possible education, you will need to do a little research on how you are going to be able to find a great tutor to help you with your children. There are many ways that you can go about it, but there are certain things that you should look for, that will make sure that you are getting the best quality for your money. You should always be looking for a good and proven college tutor and not someone who is known for creating great headlines for themselves by using questionable methods to teach children to learn. The following tips should help you find a tutor to teach your children.The first thing that you should do is to visit several of the tutoring centers and check out all of the classes that they offer. These centers will often offer different kinds of tutoring for different age groups. You should get a feel for which ones have a high s uccess rate and which ones will give you the best value for your money. You should always start by visiting the facilities that are located near to where you live and see which one will give you the most quality for your money.You should also look into the New York City's tutoring programs and ask whether or not they offer any type of free assessment to help you decide on the tutor that you will be hiring. One of the main reasons why you are going to need a tutor is because of the fact that your child is probably going to encounter some problems during the lessons. You should also ask if they can assist you with their grading and test preparation.The next thing that you should check out is if they offer after school tutoring for children who have families. This will help ensure that your child is not out of school during the day. If you can arrange this for them, you will be able to ensure that they will have the best possible education possible.The last thing that you should do is to look for a tutoring center that is accredited. A lot of the tutoring centers will offer accreditation to ensure that the program that they are offering is one that is going to provide your child with an excellent learning experience. Accreditation is something that you should always do when you are going to be hiring a tutor. If your tutoring center does not have accreditation, then they should expect that you will not be satisfied with the results of the lessons that they are providing.The last thing that you should do when you are looking for a tutoring center is to ask for references from past students. This will ensure that you know that they are capable of providing you with a good experience. It should also give you an idea as to whether or not they are going to provide you with the best possible tutoring for your child.When you are searching for a tutor to help your children with their schooling, you will need to look at as many aspects as possible before making your final decision. There are a lot of things that you will need to take into consideration when you are selecting a tutor, but hopefully this guide will help you find a great tutor to help you with your children.

Neutralization Chemistry Definition

Neutralization Chemistry DefinitionNeutralization chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the act of treating substances in a way that they are no longer considered toxic to man. This has proved extremely important as environmental pollution has become a major problem in our modern society.Over recent years, it has become evident that many substances found in the environment are actually toxic substances. Some of these can have effects on the human body that are of such a magnitude that they could lead to some fairly serious diseases or even death. These toxic substances can be anything from pesticides and weed killer chemicals to natural agents like chlorine and fluoride.But it is the dangerous chemical wastes produced by manufacturing industrial chemicals and products that are the biggest health risk and the biggest contributor to the worldwide problem of toxic exposure. With the increasing concerns about environmental pollution and the fact that many of the most vital c hemicals used in our modern society are now being used in products that have many other unwanted effects on the environment, there has been a major push for more environmentally friendly products.With this in mind, most countries have moved away from using the normal method of a toxic waste disposal process. Instead, governments have required that large amounts of non-toxic chemicals are removed from the environment. This has allowed manufacturers and corporations to seek out ways to remove their toxic wastes.The easiest way to remove toxic chemical wastes is through neutralization. Basically, the process is done through electrolysis where a chemical is applied at a very high voltage into a fuel and then subjected to a number of conditions in order to get rid of the substance.One of the most popular methods of this process is by using the heat of the reaction in order to break down the chemical. This means that the chemical remains under a low concentration, but the amount that is r emoved is much higher than that found in the original chemical. The end result is that the amount of hazardous material is reduced, and the fuel is also treated as non-toxic.With a worldwide population facing the threat of toxic chemical wastes being released into the environment, it has become imperative that this process be carried out. And with newer developments in this field, there is no doubt that the methods used to treat toxic chemical wastes will improve significantly in the future.

A Day in the Life at New York University

A Day in the Life at New York University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Robert is a Dallas Fort Worth Tutor and 2008 graduate of New York University where he studied Music. Some of the subjects he specializes in are SAT Math tutoring, History tutoring, and Writing tutoring. See what he had to say about his time at NYU: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Robert: The campus is not at all like a traditional college campus. The majority of the university buildings are located around Washington Square Park, with some additional buildings located around Soho and Aster Place. The campus is very urban, but I always felt incredibly safe. NYU has their own bus system that runs all day and late night as well. The buses are free to all students andstop at every dorm. A car is definitely not needed and would honestly be a huge liability.A bike can be useful if you are into that sort of thing. During my time there, my main methods of transportation were walking, subways, and the NYU buses. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Robert: I found my professors to be very available, especially my department heads.Many have regular office hours where you can freely walk to for a quick chat.They were also all very quick and reliable at responding to emails. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Robert: Dorm life was a lot of fun.I think every dorm was CoEd, though there may have been a couple that were not. There are a couple dorms that are freshman only, and those are typically a little more active in organizing meetings, student activities, and also a little more strict on rules and regulations; all for the benefit of the students of course.Freshman year is the most crucial year for most students.Some are prone to losing control from being away from home for the first time, and NYC is not a good place to lose control.Many dorms have dining halls inside them, and most freshman sign up for meal plans since their dorms are not apartment style, and therefore do not have kitchens.Most upperclassman dorms are apartment-style though.All freshman dorms are relatively close to Washington Square, making it easy to get to class on time.Upperclassman dorms are typically further away, making it necessary to either take the NYU bus or subway.Most upperclassmen don't mind the extra comm ute since the dorms tend to get fancier the farther away from campus they are. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Robert: There are a lot of well-supported majors and programs at NYU since it has the benefit of being in New York City, where many of the top people in their fields chose to reside. I hear the Stern School of Business is one of the best in the nation, and the Tisch School of the Arts is very well regarded as well.As far as the Music program to which I was involved, I benefited from studying with some of the top musicians in the world, who were able to bring me into the New York Music scene.I was allowed to see the Broadway show, Wicked, for free from the orchestra pit while following the score. I was able to receive free, or cheep tickets to concerts at Lincoln Center, and perform around the city.The school did a great job of nurturing my musical talent and providing me with great opportunities.I chose to leave the city after the housing crisis to perform on cruise ships, but I always love returning the city. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Robert: I did not have too much difficulty making friends as a freshman. My first semester was the most awkward since I spent most of my time just trying to adapt to college life, but once I got settled in, I ended up making friends with some great students in my department. As far as I know, there is no Greek life scene at NYU.I don't think a frat house could afford to maintain New York real estate, and NYU isn't a huge sports school either.They have no football team and their basketball team is division 3.Those elements are hardly missed at all when you have the entire city at your fingertips though. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Robert: The Career Center was able to help set me up with on-campus work.I worked as a part of the stage crew at the main theater and eventually became stage crew manager by my senior year.Performances at the theater are frequent and the orchestra rehearsed there twice a week, so I was able to accumulate a good number of hours there with the option of doing more or less depending on my circumstances.As far as whether companies recruit though the Career Center or on campus, I have little knowledge.As a Music major, I did not seek any internships with fortune 500 companies. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Robert: The study areas are always occupied, but hardly ever saturated.Since most students use the internet now for most of their independent research, there is very little competition in the NYU library for space or for books. I'm not saying the place is dead, quite the contrary, but they have more than enough computers, books, and other resources to serve the student body.They are always available during the day, some close for late night, but there is always a spacious, quite place to study somewhere if you need it. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Robert: Where do I even begin? I could write a book about my experiences outside of school and on the town.I'll just say this.YOU LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY! Enjoy it. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Robert: There is a very big student body and I really like that sort of thing. Lots of people means more opportunities to socialize, meet new people, and go more places.I have honestly been to classes that ranged from 200 people or more in one class, to classes where I was the only person there.I have never really been concerned with class size.You learn what you choose to learn, and if you are a slacker who's going to sit in the back of a 200 person class and fall asleep, you might have well have just stayed in bed.Most of my classes were about 20 students strong though which I felt was a good amount. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Robert: My best memory from college involving a class would actually have to be a performance I was part of with the NYU Symphony Orchestra.It is considered a class and I was registered for it so it counts.My favorite performance came in my sophomore year when we decided to play a concert in the brand new theater across the park for our end of semester fall concert.The program would include Beethoven's 9th symphony, and we would bring in all the singers from the vocal program to accompany us, and best of all, we would perform an Alan Menkan medley, arranged and orchestrated by some of our professors.Alan Menkan is a world-renowned composer and NYU graduate.You would know him best for his compositions for several Walt Disney movies from the 90s.He wrote the music for such greats as The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Pocahontas, Hercules, and Beauty and the Beast pretty much my favorite childhood movies.Not only did I have a great time performing his music, but I can now say that I have per formed a concert with him, have met him in person, and he was nice enough to sign some CDs for me as well as my trumpet part, all of which I have framed and displayed. Check out Roberts tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Its Not You, Its Me What If I Need to Switch Teachers

Its Not You, Its Me What If I Need to Switch Teachers Suzy S. The connection between student and teacher is important especially for a one-on-one environment (as in private lessons), as opposed to in a classroom setting. And this applies for any subject youre learning, from music to dance to languages!  If your teacher isnt explaining things in a way you understand, or perhaps isnt providing the encouragement you need,  it can make the learning process much more difficult.   Finding the perfect teacher even if that means switching teachers at some point is incredibly important to your success. If youre feeling frustrated, or just plain stuck, we encourage you to speak with your current instructor first.   Communication is key and the more your instructor knows, the better he or she can help you progress!   Sometimes, its as simple as adjusting what youre working on.   Good teachers are open to feedback and will work with you to make sure youre getting what you need out of your lessons. But other times, its simply not a good match. The good news?   Theres nothing wrong with that.   It doesnt make you a bad student, and it doesnt mean you should give up your goal of learning and mastering a new skill.  Sometimes, its just a matter of finding the teacher you click with the best.   Every instructor is different in terms of teaching style, communication style, and experience, and you may very well mesh with one over another. Here are some common examples of times when you may want to consider switching teachers: You or your child has special needs, and your current teacher is not comfortable adjusting to them. Your child is having trouble focusing, or your instructor isnt used to teaching kids (it takes a lot of patience to handle an antsy child!). Youd like to learn a specific technique or music genre that your current teacher isnt able to teach you. Youve reached a level that your instructor isnt comfortable teaching. Youve been working with one teacher for a very long time, and you no longer feel challenged or motivated. You have a very strict schedule or time frame that your teacher cannot accommodate. With the TakeLessons program, students are free to switch teachers when the need arises let us know your feedback, and well work with you to find a new teacher who better suits your needs, goals, and interests. The most important thing to remember is to be honest with the teacher youre parting with, and also be honest with yourself and what you (or your child) need. When youve found the right teacher, youll notice a difference sometimes right off the bat.   And thats what were here for! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Poetprince

Learning Geometry

Learning Geometry People need to learn geometry because of the way it affects us daily. Learning geometric constructions helps us in understanding the world around us better. It hones ones thinking ability by using logical reasoning. Geometry facilitates the solution of problems from other fields since its principles are applicable to other disciplines. It can be used in a wide array of scientific and technical field. Geometry helps us to bring together both sides of our brain. Example 1: Which statements can be used to describe the shape above? A. The shape has neither parallel nor perpendicular line segments. B. The shape has both parallel and perpendicular line segments. C. The shape has parallel but not perpendicular line segments. D. The shape has perpendicular but not parallel line segments. Solution: Perpendicular lines are lines in the same plane that intersect to form a right angle. Parallel lines are lines in the same plane that NEVER intersect. The picture above shows that L3 is perpendicular to L1 and L2. The picture also shows that L1 and L2 are parallel. Therefore, the shape has both parallel and perpendicular line segments. Example 2: A circular table has a circumference of about 15 feet. Develop an expression which can be used to find the approximate radius of the table? Solution Use the given approximation for the circumference of the table, as well as the formula for circumference. Circumference of the circle C = 2 * pi * radius Radius = 15 / (2 * pi)